Any of you that know me probably experience me as fairly quiet and reserved (at least most of the time). I know myself pretty well... I will acknowledge that I am more introvert than extrovert, but I do have a playful, extroverted side.
I thinki about this each day as I read through my Twitter feed and Facebook timeline. There are so many incredibly insightful blog posts and articles that I sometimes feel like all the good words are taken. In fact, just this week a friend of mine started a blog and wrote an amazing post. What do I have to say that will add to the conversation?
I actually think deeply about many topics. I think I have a lot to say and offer this world. I just don't want to add to the noise unnecessarily. In that sense, I do believe that "less is more." I think this is why I struggle sometimes with blog posts.
I value deep connections with people, and I hope I have a positive impact whenever we interact. I don't do "superficial" very well. Perhaps if you are reading this you could write a comment or send me a message to let me know what would be meaningful for me to write about? All communication is relational, and sometimes I feel like less is more.
What are your impressions? Thoughts?