Friday, May 1, 2015

Less is More?!

Any of you that know me probably experience me as fairly quiet and reserved (at least most of the time). I know myself pretty well... I will acknowledge that I am more introvert than extrovert, but I do have a playful, extroverted side. 

I thinki about this each day as I read through my Twitter feed and Facebook timeline. There are so many incredibly insightful blog posts and articles that I sometimes feel like all the good words are taken. In fact, just this week a friend of mine started a blog and wrote an amazing post. What do I have to say that will add to the conversation?

I actually think deeply about many topics.  I think I have a lot to say and offer this world. I just don't want to add to the noise unnecessarily.  In that sense, I do believe that "less is more." I think this is why I struggle sometimes with blog posts. 

I value deep connections with people, and I hope I have a positive impact whenever we interact. I don't do "superficial" very well. Perhaps if you are reading this you could write a comment or send me a message to let me know what would be meaningful for me to write about?  All communication is  relational, and sometimes I feel like less is more.

What are your impressions? Thoughts?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Living "On Purpose"

What what does it mean to "live on purpose?"

Generally, I think of it as living our lives in complete alignment with our deep values and the way we are created. First of all, this means we have to actually live our lives, and NOT just go through the motions! What does it look like to live life fully? To participate fully in your whole life?

Secondly, I think this means that we also have to do the deep work of getting to know ourselves and uncovering / discovering our values and what we hold dearest. Then (and only then) can we discern how to align our actions and being with our deeply held values and the deepest sense of purpose in the world.

I am extremely grateful for the guides, mentors, and personal growth opportunities that I've had in my life to get to know myself at a deep level. In my experience, merely knowing my values is different from living them. I have had a combination of spiritual directors, mentors, friends, and coaches who have helped me to figure out what it means for me to align all of my actions with those values. When I am truly "living on purpose," there is a tremendous amount of energy, passion and peace in my life. It truly feels incredible…

My desire is that everyone would take advantage of opportunities to learn about themselves, and then figure out what they need to do to live life fully right now.  That is one of the most rewarding parts of the coaching  and "pastoring" I do.

Please let me know if coaching might be something you want to explore. I would love to have that conversation with anyone who is interested!

Also, let me know if you have any questions or comments below.  May we ALL experience blessings on the journey!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why Title My Blog "Gregg For Mercy...?"

So why exactly did I title my blog the way I did?  Perhaps a little explanation is needed?

First of all, I think it is pretty funny and belies the playfulness with which I strive to live my life. I mean, if we're not having fun then what is the point exactly?  I know there are times to be serious, but does life really have to be heavy, deep and real ALL the time?

Secondly, I think this blog title conveys a little deeper sense of who I am...  I am someone who (when I am authentically myself and not "playing small") is powerful and passionate about life and what we can accomplish while we are here.

Lastly, I am someone who has always been a compassionate bloke, always striving to help others (and myself) find the healing, health and wholeness we all deserve.  I did this as a young child, I did this as a physical therapist, and now I am doing it as a pastor and coach.  As Parker Palmer titled one of his books, I realized that I needed to "Let (My) Life Speak."

Thoughts or feedback? I would love to hear it...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Renaming & Re-Branding My Blog

For awhile now, I have been thinking about modifying (renaming and re-branding) this blog, and now I have done it! More than just a superficial change, I hope to post about topics that might be helpful in your particular journey, as well as share more about what is going on in mine.

I would love to know what you think, so let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Sample Sessions" and "Practice Clients!"

As many of you might already know, I am embarking on a journey toward being certified as a "coach."  The next six months I will be undergoing a process of professional development in which I will be undergoing supervision and learning prior to taking a written and oral certification exam.

In order to pursue certification as a coach I am required to have a small caseload of paying clients, thus I am looking to enroll a few more clients who are willing to be a part of my learning process (in exchange for a significantly discounted rate on coaching). As with most coaches, I do offer a free sample session to make sure there is a good fit between myself and those I coach.

Here's how you can help!:

  1. Invite people you know to do a "sample session" with me to see if coaching might be right for them.

  2. Tell others about my desire for "practice clients" to get the word spread.  I only have a few more spots open!

 Thank you in advance for any assistance you are able to provide!

Background: I still feel a strong sense of call to serve as pastor at Covenant United Methodist Church and I don’t have plans to move into full-time coaching in the near future. I am in the sixth year of my current appointment and feel that I am an effective pastoral leader in the local church, but I also have a deep sense of call to pursue this certification as a coach. As a coach I feel particularly called to work with people in leadership positions (pastors, parents, executives, etc.), and my primary experience thus far has been with clergy leaders and leaders of non-profit organizations.