Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Sample Sessions" and "Practice Clients!"

As many of you might already know, I am embarking on a journey toward being certified as a "coach."  The next six months I will be undergoing a process of professional development in which I will be undergoing supervision and learning prior to taking a written and oral certification exam.

In order to pursue certification as a coach I am required to have a small caseload of paying clients, thus I am looking to enroll a few more clients who are willing to be a part of my learning process (in exchange for a significantly discounted rate on coaching). As with most coaches, I do offer a free sample session to make sure there is a good fit between myself and those I coach.

Here's how you can help!:

  1. Invite people you know to do a "sample session" with me to see if coaching might be right for them.

  2. Tell others about my desire for "practice clients" to get the word spread.  I only have a few more spots open!

 Thank you in advance for any assistance you are able to provide!

Background: I still feel a strong sense of call to serve as pastor at Covenant United Methodist Church and I don’t have plans to move into full-time coaching in the near future. I am in the sixth year of my current appointment and feel that I am an effective pastoral leader in the local church, but I also have a deep sense of call to pursue this certification as a coach. As a coach I feel particularly called to work with people in leadership positions (pastors, parents, executives, etc.), and my primary experience thus far has been with clergy leaders and leaders of non-profit organizations.

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