Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Why Title My Blog "Gregg For Mercy...?"

So why exactly did I title my blog the way I did?  Perhaps a little explanation is needed?

First of all, I think it is pretty funny and belies the playfulness with which I strive to live my life. I mean, if we're not having fun then what is the point exactly?  I know there are times to be serious, but does life really have to be heavy, deep and real ALL the time?

Secondly, I think this blog title conveys a little deeper sense of who I am...  I am someone who (when I am authentically myself and not "playing small") is powerful and passionate about life and what we can accomplish while we are here.

Lastly, I am someone who has always been a compassionate bloke, always striving to help others (and myself) find the healing, health and wholeness we all deserve.  I did this as a young child, I did this as a physical therapist, and now I am doing it as a pastor and coach.  As Parker Palmer titled one of his books, I realized that I needed to "Let (My) Life Speak."

Thoughts or feedback? I would love to hear it...

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