Friday, February 10, 2012

Devotionals and Conversations

Hello Friends,

I am sorry for the infrequent postings the past few months.  As with many spiritual practices, there seem to be seasons of growth and vitality, and other fallow seasons.  I intentionally put blogging to the side for awhile to pick up other spiritual practices, but now am feeling drawn back to using this tool for communication once again.

I have become very interested in facilitating common conversations among the many committees, groups and ministry teams at Covenant UMC (and if it is of use for others on the 'outside' then GREAT!).  Specifically having conversations around generosity, for instance, will (I believe) have an impact on how relaxed we can feel when the subject of money comes up in the life of the church.  I am also looking for a consistent platform to emphasize the main purpose we exist as a Christian congregation - to encounter God's transforming power, and pass on the opportunity for others to also encounter God's presence and power!  Here is what I have in mind:
  • Each month I will have a devotional scripture reading, followed by some suggested questions for conversation.
  • You can use this as a resource for planning the time at the beginning of any of your meetings to help your gathered group to be "spiritually grounded"
  • I would love to hear from group discussions, as long as permission is given and doesn't violate someone's sense of confidentiality.
  • You can search for devotionals by using "tags" for the month name, and the word "devotional"
Let me know if this is helpful and what your experience of this resource is.  If it is helpful, I will keep doing it!
Peace to you all,
Pastor Gregg

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