Monday, December 28, 2009

Favorite Book?

It is that time of year when everyone begins to post their "favorite," or "best" lists from the past year. Also since it is the year 2009, people are also listing their favorites from the past decade.
Here are a couple of simple questions:

  • What was your favorite book from this past year?
  • From the past decade (if different)?
  • What do you want to read this coming year (2010)?
Here is how I would answer those questions:
  • From the past year, I would say my "favorite" book was "The Dark Night of the Soul," by Gerald May. It is non-fiction, so it wasn't a favorite because I "enjoyed" it, per se. It was the book that had the most impact on my life this past year.
  • From the past decade, I would say that two other books had the largest impact on my spiritual journey: "The Celebration of Disciplines," by Richard Foster, and "Christian Meditation," by James Finley. I do read for enjoyment, but these two had such a huge impact that fun reading was edged out.
  • In the coming year, I have two books on my immediate list: the new book by Stephen King, and "The Hole in our Gospel," by Richard Stearns. I received the second book as a Christmas gift, and the first I borrowed from a friend, so both books await! I also have some leadership books by Ronald Heifetz on my list. We'll see what I get to first.

Really, I am looking for suggestions... Let me know what you thought was worthwhile!

1 comment:

Carmen Green said...

As I told you I just finished the hole in our gospel. It proved to be both challenging to me personally and yet was encouraging and compelling. I am excited for you to read it though! So hurry up and start! I can't believe someone else gave it to you as a gift because I was planning to get it for you as well, so it must be "meant to be." I know you will be surprised by how interestingly it is aligned with the direction of your messages over the last month and into your future themes. I think it would be a great congregational read! Thanks for being with us at Covenant. We are blessed to have you and your entire family!