Friday, November 14, 2008

Beyond Relevance...

I just found this new blog (, and they have a video that they have posted that is very thought provoking:

What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? A Parable.

Authenticity has been a "buzzword" that I have been thinking about for some time now. As persons of faith, we must engage all of life and not just see faith as a Sunday morning endeavor. "Sales" and "marketing" have a connotation that cheapens what we are doing here on this earth. What is our purpose? It it only to get to a goal - to get to heaven someday?

A guy I know (Andy Bryan from MO) blogged on a similar topic. He is talking about a similar idea - that we are MORE than what we do... Who are we? What is the point of our existence? Check it out his thoughts here:


Andy B. said...

Thanks, Gregg, for the linksies!

I think the question of identity is crucial for the church. We are so frantic about what we do, that we seem to have lost aa bit of who we are.

Gregg said...

No problem, Andy... It's good to hear from you. I pray you are doing well in MO.

I agree that we are much too frantic about what we DO, and it also seems to me that it comes from a sense of our slipping influence in the surrounding culture. The church, generally, has a "scarcity mentality" rather than an "abundance mentality" about what God has in store for us, therefore we can't see God's ongoing activity right here in front of us. What if we asked ourselves the questions, "Where is God active, and how can we get involved in that?" Instead, we focus on what we need to DO to receive God's blessings, and then the church will (of course) look exactly like it did in the glory days of the past...

{tongue planted firmly in cheek}

Take care, and it would be great to chat soon.