I have just returned from my sabbatical, and I am still processing all of my insights. First of all, I want to say “thank you” to the community of faith at Covenant UMC for the incredible gift you have given to me and my family. Even though pastoral ministry isn’t as physically demanding as some other jobs and professions, it can be spiritually, and emotionally taxing. If my pastor friends are reading this, I highly recommend you take one!
I also need to affirm the incredible ministry that happens through the community of faith, even when the pastor isn’t here! When I left, I felt completely comfortable and trusting of all the incredible folks planning various aspects of our ministries, which allowed me to completely unplug. Upon my return, I was again heartened by the magnificent ways that Covenant UMC is in ministry. The church is definitely not the building, but rather the church is the people.
While on sabbatical, I was engaged in a bit of “cultural anthropology.” I tried to immerse myself in the culture outside of the church and become intimately connected with folks who we might call “religiously unaffiliated.” I had many insights, and my plan is to share them throughout this month in my messages. If you want to check it out, you can access them through our website (www.covenantmethodist.org) and click the “Sermons + Blog” tab.
I am glad to be back, and I have to say that I truly missed being a part of this community. I missed being here and sharing life with my peeps.
Pastor Gregg