Monday, January 25, 2010

Discipleship? Or Apprenticeship?

What does the word, "discipleship" mean to you? 

We can, of course, hear the same root as the word discipline, but the word "discipleship" has a kind of churchy quality to it, doesn't it?  Have you ever heard the word uttered outside of a religious context?  That doesn't mean that we shouldn't use it, necessarily, but I am not sure the word is particularly helpful.  I know it sounds sacrilegious to say so, but I think people outside of a community of faith hear that word, they think of someone who is supposed to proselytize them.  If we insist on using words that conjure up images that detract from Jesus' message, then we will never be able to establish relationships with the very people God is calling us to form healthy relationships.

I know, Jesus had twelve disciples who followed him during his life and ministry on earth, and that we, as followers of Christ, are also called to be "disciples" of Jesus. And I know that a disciple is a learner...  one who follows ought to study the ways of the Master, then replicate their actions.

All this being said, I have lately been drawn to calling tasks of discipleship something else entirely.  What if we instead called ourselves "APPRENTICES" of Jesus the Christ?  For me, I find this much healthier word that illustrates what we are, and what we do, more effectively.  It leaves the baggage of church jargon behind and allows us to make another connection with the culture that surrounds us.

Does anyone else share in this struggle?  What do you think?  Could this catch on?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spiritual Renewal Leave

Hello Friends,
I am off this week for my annual spiritual renewal leave.  I have come to an agreement with my Staff Parish Relations Committee that this, in addition to my daily/weekly/monthly disciplines, is an important aspect of my own spiritual growth.  Do any of you take time off for this sort of thing?  What do you do?  How do you spend that time?  What nourishes your spirit?

I am curious to find out how others use their time...  I am spending Monday with my family (MLK, Jr. Day), and the bulk of Tuesday and Wednesday will be spent in retreat at the Kairos House of Prayer.  On Thursday, I leave for Albuquerque, NM and a course titled, "Following the Mystics through the Narrow Gates" with James Finley and Richard Rohr.  I believe it will be an incredibly fruitful week!

I am certain that will come back rested and renewed.  See you all soon!