Sunday, August 24, 2008

False Dichotomy

I came across this YouTube video, and it really struck me.

I began to wonder more about this person's story. What kinds of interactions have they had with Christians? What kind of Christians? It really seems to me that many who call themselves Christian really play into the stereotypes about Christians. It has almost gotten to the point that I hesitate to call myself a Christian, but instead consider myself a "Christ-follower." We have to hold onto whatever is beautiful, lovely and true and discard the rest. And that will be hard for many of us to do...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Goin' to the Fair!

I always told myself that I wouldn't just blog about stupid stuff, so it has been quite awhile since I posted anything... Oh, well!

Yesterday, my family and I went to the Grays Harbor County Fair (which is actually quite a good little fair!) in Elma, WA and we had a great time. Well, when we walked in the front gates, both sides of the path are lined with booths. Check this one out!

Do you see what it says? It reads, "Godmobile... Are you going to heaven? Free two question test reveals answer..." It was put on by some group called the Men's Gospel Mission, or something. I stood there for several minutes, and not even ONE person went up and talked with them. In fact, at one point one of the dudes stuck his head out and looked right and left to see if anyone was coming. Nope... Still nothing.

I thought how sad this was. First of all for these men who wasted so much time and energy to sit in this booth only to have nothing happen. And second of all, I feel bad for everyone else. All I could think of was how this somehow reinforces stereotypical images of Christians as simplistic, dogmatic, closed-minded and focused solely on the next life in order to escape this one. It didn't surprise me one bit that no one "took the bait." Heck, my son and I couldn't either... Even though we REALLY wanted to hear what they might ask.